Policy and strategy on ICT in education
The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport recognizes that 21st Century human resource competence, especially the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), is a catalyst for the country's competitiveness. These capabilities enable people to develop new knowledge and to turn this knowledge into new practices to support the country's economic interaction, from trading goods to trading goods and services that Utilize advanced knowledge.
In order to accelerate this knowledge-based economic interaction, the Royal Government of Cambodia has introduced a range of policies to create a favorable environment through the use ICT. At the same time, the Cambodian sector has made significant progress in expanding its services throughout the ICT. These developments provide opportunities for the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport to reform and modernize the education sector, including the ICT capacity of the Cambodian people.
The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport recognizes that the ICT in education sector is designed through consultation with the private sector, development partners and education stakeholders. This document is designed to assist the ICT sector in modernizing governance and governance, as well as increasing transparency and accountability.
The Royal Government of Cambodia recognizes that ICT will be an important tool for economic and industrial development of the country and improve people's livelihood. As a result, the Royal Government of Cambodia has continued to improve its favorable environment of ICT for the use of the good in all its activities. The Royal Government of Cambodia has the vision to develop and modernize the country's industry, from labor-intensive industries to Buddhist-based industries and skills by 2025, through the establishment of a modern industrial economy using basic technology and technology.
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